Medium term Loans

Tembo Sacco has a wide array of Medium Term Credit products

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Medium term Loans

Tembo Sacco

Medium term Loans

Jisort Loan

  1. One can qualify for upto Ksh. 1,000,000
  2. Repayment period – up to 48 months
  3. Interest rate 3% Per month (reducing balance)
  4. Minimum of 3 guarantors who should be members of the Sacco and must cover the whole loan.
  5. Loan request are processed same day.

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Medium term Loans

Jijenge Loan

  1. One can qualify up to Ksh 3,000,000
  2. Repayment period up to 60 months
  3. Interest rate 1.5% per month on a reducing balance
  4. Minimum of 3 guarantors who should be members of the Sacco and must cover the whole loan.
  5. Loan requests are processed same day

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Tembo Sacco